martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

4o y 5o grados

Haz clic aquí para el link de Nuestro Chile:

Semana del 26 de noviembre

lunes: Prueba 2 el viernes, 30 de noviembre: Chile, mapa, vocabulario

miércoles: estudiar

viernes: Prueba 2

Film Club: Friday at 3:30pm
This week we're watching We Bought a Zoo as the Film Club Choice movie, based on a real story about a family who needed a change and bought a zoo.  All middle schoolers are invited, but make sure Maestra V has a permission slip for you.  See you there!

domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012

Semana del 12 de noviembre

lunes: Prueba 1 de Chile -- el viernes, 16 de noviembre: vocabulario, verbos, lugares en el mapa

miércoles: estudia para la prueba

viernes: Prueba 1 de Chile

Film Club: Friday 3:30-5:00pm
This week is Shane, a Western about a man who comes in and helps the people of a Western town, making a difference especially to one family against a bad, rich man.
Remember: no Film Club next week due to Thanksgiving Break.

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Semana del 5 de noviembre

lunes: still many Llámame phone calls due

miércoles: no hay tarea

viernes: no hay tarea

Film Club: Friday 3:30-5:00pm
This week's movie is On the Town, a musical starring Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra.  This comedy tells the story of three navy men who visit New York City for a day, and the many things they see and do.