jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

el 29 de octubre

In general, "muy bien" on the test which you got to see from Tuesday. I hope you were able to appreciate the change of pace today, learning about el Día de los Muertos and honoring people we love who have died. Next week we´ll be learning new vocabulary about Actividades: things we do and like to do.

-- If there is anyone else willing to help me keep the Pizarrón de Español in Mr. Heeres´ room updated, please let me know. You can write el tiempo, la fecha, and the school verse in Spanish, as well as keep homework and assignments up-to-date for the whole 8th grade.

-- Also, notice that there is a new Extra Credit possibility written on his board: if you send me (or bring me) an article that talks about a Spanish-speaking country in current events and yours is chosen to be posted, you´ll get extra points! Currently, take a moment to read about the present situation in Honduras as well as a Mexican gang family that is similar to The Godfather's Corleone family.

lunes, 26 de octubre de 2009

el 26 de octubre

TEST planned for TUESDAY, OCT 27. You´ve known about this for a while, so I´m sure you´re all prepared! :)

martes, 20 de octubre de 2009

el 20 de octubre

Remember that the TEST will be Tuesday, Oct 27.
See below for details.

Due Tuesday: Study Guide Sheet given out during class.

Due Thursday: Ser/Pronombre practice worksheet. Write in the appropriate form of ser or the appropriate pronombre according to what is given to you.

lunes, 19 de octubre de 2009

el 20 de octubre (cumpleaños del papá de Maestra V)

After a week´s absence, I am glad to have the eighth graders back in class again this week, if only for one day. Make sure you take your folder, your notebook, and your laptop to class on Tuesday. ¡Hasta mañana!

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

el 14 de octubre

subtitle: Teachers make mistakes, too!

The test originally planned on Oct 22nd will actually be on Tuesday, October 27. Sorry for any confusion! As you know, we do not have class on Thursday or Friday next week, October 22 or 23. We will still use Tuesday, Oct 20, in class to review and ask questions.

Again, sorry for the mistake!
Maestra V

martes, 6 de octubre de 2009

el 6 de octubre

No homework for tonight. Use this time to get ahead on studying for the TEST on Thursday, Oct 22. Also, you may want to check the Parent Portal to check for any missing assignments.
*Remember: there will be no Spanish class on Tuesday or Thursday next week, Oct 13 and 15.

The Test will include:
Las Letras (A, B, C, Ch . . .)
Los Números (1, 2, 3, 4 . . .)
Vocabulario de Saludar (Hola, Buenas tardes . . .)
Vocab de Despedirse (Adios, Nos vemos . . .)
¿Cómo te llamas? (and related phrases)
Los Días de la Semana (domingo, lunes, martes . . .)
Antes de/Después de
Countries from the map of Central America
¿De dónde eres? (and related phrases)
Sonia Sotomayor

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009

el 1 de octubre

8th grade:
Look up 8 capital cities from our Latin America map and write the weather and temperature in Spanish. This is due Tuesday, Oct 6.
For example:
Quito, Ecuador Hace sol. Setenta y nueve grados.